Despite Safety Nets Foxconn Staffer Falls to Death

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No suicide contracts?

What happens if you break it. Oh wait...
No suicide contracts are entirely pointless. All they do is put the idea of suicide into the employee's head, and when they die, it doesn't matter. The most it does is have some legal BS saying that the company wasn't responsible for the death of the employee, so they can save their asses from family lawsuits. If they really want to stop suicide, up wages, increase employers, and give mandatory breaks that offer a bit of relaxation and fun.
I don't really know what to say either.. I feel sorry for her families loss though.. I hope that others will perhaps be able to find better jobs and not have to work in such conditions..
I remember when tom's posted news when the nets went up, and somebody said it was a gimmick for a big antenna instead, Maybe they were right.. (unless it wasn't a jump)

It's sad how their employers make them pretty much live their lives inside the confines of the plant.

But in all honesty, 800 000 employees in such a small area could be classified as a city!
This is pretty sad indeed. No amount of safety nets, pay raises, or anything else is going to help this situation. When you get right down to it, these people are forced to work non stop, and cant even get away from the place, considering they are forced to live in on-site dormitories. It is basically slave labor. Who would really want to live knowing no matter what they do, they are probably there for life...
FYI, 200k employees world wide currently:

They are PLANNING on making a new plant (recently announced):

I'd be guessing they added another 0 by accident considering the US suicide rate is 10.9 suicides / 100k people leaving an 800k plant well under the US averages! Source:

I find the suicide tragic but the interesting part is the wages. You want to know why you can't get a job. It’s because for $250 a month we can over work some poor girl at foxconn to do the work. So get an education, remember there is no end of jobs for people that are well educated. Wait, we are shipping those overseas as well.
[citation][nom]JerseyFirefighter[/nom]Maybe she couldnt handle the shit reception on her iphone?[/citation]

seriously mate, show some respect. We are talking about a woman who probably had nothing her whole life, and chose to end it.

This isn't the article to flame and bait
[citation][nom]darkerson[/nom]This is pretty sad indeed. No amount of safety nets, pay raises, or anything else is going to help this situation. When you get right down to it, these people are forced to work non stop, and cant even get away from the place, considering they are forced to live in on-site dormitories. It is basically slave labor. Who would really want to live knowing no matter what they do, they are probably there for life...[/citation]

I would jump too.. It must feel like the only way out. They have no choice to work there, and if they leave...
First off, money isn't everything. Better working conditions without slave driving management is key. They can add all the onsite gyms, consilllors, relaxatin rooms, etc... they won't change the slave driving management that yells at everyone.

Secondly, this scenario only exists on The Family Guy. "My life sucks, I think I'm going to kill myself today. Oh darn the net caught me" They are undermining the intelegence of their employees with the nets and no suicide contracts. If you ask me they need to can management and their fibregladd suits and bring in the big guns. A couple of hippy guys who no how to run a company. People like Ben and Jerry.

I find it laughable how stupid the people are they blame Foxconn, and not the flying bimbo.

She chose to jump. She chose to put her family and everyone that cared about her through a lot of pain, so she wouldn't feel it. She chose the easy way out, to make a company that pays her, but doesn't force her to work there, look bad.

Last I checked, Foxconn doesn't force people to work there. A normal, unselfish human being would quit.

People don't kill themselves over jobs. They leave them. And if you say, she couldn't leave it because she needed the money, then you're saying how important Foxconn is for the people they employ.

A bad job is not an excuse to kill yourself and hurt everyone around you. It's not.
As insensitive as people will make me out to be, I'm with ta152f. Sure, the conditions at Foxconn may be less than favorable, but it was ultimately up to the jumper, and has been for every employee who has chosen to commit suicide. There are always alternatives out there, and these people made their decisions; it's not Foxconn's fault.
Thank goodness for the contract. Foxconn now has the legal clout to fire the next employee that commits suicide...
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