'Destiny 2' PC Beta Will Limit Recording Apps, System Monitors

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Interfering with other apps on my PC sounds like malware-like behavior. This is a problem. Console game developers need to take the time to learn the PC market -- not force console-like restrictions upon it. Bad move, Bungie.
If its in the EULA... its probably fine. Some MMOs ban for the use of virtual machines, their crash reports can typically send them the entire contents of your RAM, as well as snooping on all running programs, all in the name of stamping out cheating.

It's walking a pretty narrow path but at the end of the day, you have to put some level of trust in the developer/publisher, or just not play it.
Since this doesn't block recording if playing in Windowed mode (including borderless windowed mode), it's not really a big deal for streaming. Blocking overlays is the big news in this.
Why are people acting like this is some bad "shady" dealing or "malware-like behavior" going on? They are only blocking 3rd party overlays and injections. Did you people read more than the first paragraph before commenting?
nope not falling for this hype again....the game is just big in talk but in reality not worth the play time but for small kids its ok.

IKR? It's stupidity like this that makes me ashamed to be grouped in with PC Gamers. They're blocking CODE INJECTED INTO THE GAME. That is a GOOD thing. FFS people get a grip.


Cheating doesn't hurt their bottom line nearly as much as the possibility for people to mod in their own custom weapon / armor skins. I'm pretty sure its all about protecting the online sales and integrity of the store (which is a good thing but does have consequences).
If there's confusion on this, it's the fault of the article's author who, initially, states that "popular streaming tools like OBS Studio, communication services like Discord, and hardware monitors like Fraps will not work in the upcoming title." This is 100% false. These tools will work fine within limitations that really ought to be placed on ALL PC titles. The statement is clearly designed as misleading, click-bait-and-switch glurge to leverage feeds that quote an article's first paragraph.

Wrong answer. You might want to do more research next time than knee-jerk responding to something and make baseless accusations. Straight from Bungie's FAQs on the matter:

?How will players be able to monitor hardware performance?
Hardware performance monitors will be able to function alongside Destiny 2 PC, but any form of overlay functionality will be restricted. "

UserZero said:
"These tools will work fine within limitations that really ought to be placed on ALL PC titles.

^^Are you going to sit there with a straight face and tell me I should have no authority to actively monitor MY PC HARDWARE CPU and GPU performance while gaming showing an overlay like Afterburner does? Do you work for Bungie or something?
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