Developer Creating Glass OS that Google Can't Control

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"Indeed it caused concern for consumers and in Washington, leading the government to ask Google a list of questions about the potential havoc Google Glass could have on privacy."

Snowden just loled.
I wouldn't even consider using Glass unless it had face recognition capabilities. I have a very hard time remembering names. This could help with that.
Whenever I see someone using these in a restroom, I'm kicking their ass, no questions asked.
To be honest, if Google doesn't do it, others will do.

Pandora's Box cannot be closed once opened. *cue ominous music* *lightning strikes on the horizon*
I fail to see what these glasses are any different from a common smarthphone. just because you wear it on your face?
if people complain as being an invasion of privacy then having a cell phone pointing at something should also be prohibited. it's a nonsense.
No porn? You gotta be kidding me, thats like 1 5th of the internet 😀.
I already said it in the past, i dont think these will even make it to the street. I know that if I had a bussiness (any type) i would bann them automaticly from my offices. And im sure mot will.

Maybe McDonalds wont. But in general im sure these will vanish very fast. There is a potential catastrophy in every move. Example, you walk around with those on your head and a nice girl passes by with his boyfriend, you subconsiusly look at her ass, and BAM, 2 teeth less and no more google glass.
Thats 1 out of probably 150 daily situations we can name.
this has to be banned hundred thousand people wearing spy glasses connected to one network sending your facial recongintion hash data god knows where. Goverments already spy on us with CCTV so I guess we have to live with this. Or break face of each person using it. There are laws that prohibit filming and taking pictures of you without concent... and that's what werer of this glasses is doing all day long.
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