Developers Are Experimenting With HoloLens Game Concepts

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I see veryone complaining about that video, and have never seen it. Where does it appear?
On what platform are you looking at the site? I'm on desktop PC (tried all browsers) and I see nowhere near "too many ads", and I have absolutely no anti-ads plugin. And certainly no video at all...
Good to see them working with the Hololens this could get interesting for sure. I also would like to say holy cow Toms I wanted to see what everyone was talking about with this Doom video so I disabled all of my plugins relating to ad's and refreshed the page. All I can say is the page loaded about 5 times slower and had ad's and a very long price lists of stuff that you actually could scroll through for a while and the page was a lot slower as well.

I have been allowing most of the websites I go to on a daily basis to load the front page with all of the ad's so you get paid a bit of money to keep things going but I think the webmaster needs to clean the ad's up a bit there are way to many to go scroll through so you can read the news post. I am not trying to sound like a huge complainer I am sure there are others that have the same thoughts about this.

It's in the articles themselves, usually located between the first and second paragraph. It is immensely frustrating, because apart from being flashy and intrusive, when it closes, it changes the length of the page, pushing you down several paragraphs. Happens on any PC without adblock I've seen.

Then, it must be because I'm located in another country and therefore I guess different ads get delivered to me?
I have seen that comment often enough that I'm actually curious about it now.
I hope you're not disappointed:

It's nice to see, a couple times. If you know what it is, and you're expecting it. But when it randomly shows up in the middle of your pages, all the friggin' time, slowing your page loads and eating your CPU (if you don't remember to pause it), that's annoying.
The motion of the cubes & other CG content looks quite jerky. I wonder if it's natively like that, or it's just an artifact of the video recording.

I wonder if hackers will ever mod AR games & apps to trick people into dangerous situations...
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