Question Device manager misidentifies DVD recorder


Dec 27, 2015
I had 2 dvd recorders one of which was a TSSTcorp-CDDVDW SH-224DH
And both were failing when writing giving errors.
I replaced them with 2 new ASUS DRW -24D5MT and one of these failed when writing from new, this was refunded rather than repaired and I have just replaced it with a HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSD5
Which is working well. However although Nero, Power2go and DVDInfo refer to the drive by that name both Device manager, Belarc advisor and Speccy refer to the drive as TSSTcorp-CDDVDW SH-224DH
. My query is why?
The "OK" devices are currently installed and connected. The "Unknown" devices were installed at some time in the past.

C:\WINDOWS\system32>powershell Get-PnpDevice -Class CDROM

Status     Class           FriendlyName                                                                     InstanceId
------     -----           ------------                                                                     ----------
Unknown    CDROM           ASUS DRW-1814BL ATA Device                                                       IDE\CDROMASU...
Unknown    CDROM           HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-4040B ATA Device                                             IDE\CDROMHL-...

C:\WINDOWS\system32>powershell Get-PnpDevice -Class DiskDrive

Status     Class           FriendlyName                                                                     InstanceId
------     -----           ------------                                                                     ----------
Unknown    DiskDrive       Digital Camera Storage USB Device                                                USBSTOR\DISK...
Unknown    DiskDrive       ST340016A ATA Device                                                             IDE\DISKST34...
Unknown    DiskDrive       Generic Mass-Storage USB Device                                                  USBSTOR\DISK...
Unknown    DiskDrive       FUJITSU MPF3204AT ATA Device                                                     IDE\DISKFUJI...
Unknown    DiskDrive       SanDisk Cruzer Glide 3.0 USB Device                                              USBSTOR\DISK...
OK         DiskDrive       WD Elements 25A3 USB Device                                                      USBSTOR\DISK...
OK         DiskDrive       WDC WD1600AAJS-22WAA0 ATA Device                                                 IDE\DISKWDC_...
Unknown    DiskDrive       WDC WD5000AVVS-63M8B0 ATA Device                                                 IDE\DISKWDC_...
Unknown    DiskDrive       Samsung SSD 860 EVO 1TB ATA Device                                               IDE\DISKSAMS...
OK         DiskDrive       Samsung SSD 860 EVO 1TB ATA Device                                               IDE\DISKSAMS...
Thank you This shows TSSTcorp-CDDVDW SH-224DH which I purchased as Hitachi LG HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSD5 and is recognised by Nero , Power2go and DVDInfo. Maybe that Belarc and Speccy are getting info from device manager and not from the recorder