Device manager stopped one of my GPUs


May 22, 2015
Hello, I just did a fresh install of windows and (to fix another problem) I had to plug my hard drives into different SATA ports. Everything was going along swimmingly except one of my 780 TI cards is not working. Device manager reported that Windows had stopped the device because it reported problems. I have a home built system, i5 2500k processor (at stock), ASRock P67 Extreme 4 Mobo, 8 gigs of G-Skill Ram, Cooler Master 1000 Watt PSU, 780 TI (SLI), SoundBlaster Recon 3d soundcard, Antec 900 case. I took out the offending card for the moment. It wouldn't seem like a driver issue to me considering the other 780 TI is working beautifully. I'm worried the other 780 TI died (maybe while I was cleaning the case with compressed air or reinstalling the card?) any thoughts or advice would be appreciated. UPDATE: I did install a new SSD primary drive, if that is relevant.