V venki45 Reputable Feb 17, 2014 1 0 4,510 Feb 17, 2014 #1 in dh55pj mother board lan drivers not install.im installing from original cd.if that port is problem how to solve it.how the port is gone thanQ.
in dh55pj mother board lan drivers not install.im installing from original cd.if that port is problem how to solve it.how the port is gone thanQ.
Phillip Corcoran Titan Moderator Sep 7, 2013 26,048 890 120,140 Feb 17, 2014 #2 Try installing the latest drivers. Drivers for the Intel DH55PJ board are here: https://downloadcenter.intel.com/SearchResult.aspx?lang=eng&ProductFamily=Desktop+Boards&ProductLine=Intel%C2%AE+5+Series+Chipset+Boards&ProductProduct=Intel%C2%AE+Desktop+Board+DH55PJ Upvote 0 Downvote
Try installing the latest drivers. Drivers for the Intel DH55PJ board are here: https://downloadcenter.intel.com/SearchResult.aspx?lang=eng&ProductFamily=Desktop+Boards&ProductLine=Intel%C2%AE+5+Series+Chipset+Boards&ProductProduct=Intel%C2%AE+Desktop+Board+DH55PJ