I wanted to use a second monitor that I just found in the attic, it works perfectly fine. However, I saw some videos online from wherein they can plug in the 1st monitor in the GPU and the 2nd monitor on the motherboard. I was watching the videos however I can't find the option on my motherboard to do so. If you guys can guide me how to do it that would really make my day. I'm using VGA btw, if that's necessary. For both monitors as it only supports VGA. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
I wanted to use a second monitor that I just found in the attic, it works perfectly fine. However, I saw some videos online from wherein they can plug in the 1st monitor in the GPU and the 2nd monitor on the motherboard. I was watching the videos however I can't find the option on my motherboard to do so. If you guys can guide me how to do it that would really make my day. I'm using VGA btw, if that's necessary. For both monitors as it only supports VGA. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.