Question DH61WW with MSI GeFORCE GTX1650

Feb 4, 2021
Hey all!

Back to building computers after 18 years of NOT. Then, it was for gaming and hobby, now its for business needs my my son's games....

Here is the scoop: Got a DH61WW with bios from 12/21/2012 - LONG version number. Wondering if updating it would help but dont know where to start.

I had the hard drive cradle fall out and rip the cables out of the drives while installing my GTX 1650, thought that was the problem (damaged the board or something) - NO video on the GTX or the onboard after that no matter what i did, but after removing the GTX and leaving the PC to sit without its CMOS batter for a few hours, onboard VGA worked! tried the GTX again and same problem... NOTHING worked except removing the GTX and letting the PC sit unplugged and with the CMOS battery out. I am typing this on that PC.

PS is 300watt, not sure if thats it but the GTX1650 was running in an HP 800 G1 SFF which I have to imagine has less watts... not sure where to start =(

Also, since all the drama, the LAN has issues on boot up - says no connection, deleting and reinstalling the driver solves it

Pretty desperate for help! Thanks in advance
And it gets worse / just rebooted and back to zero display. No tinkering with the glu this time (it’s been out )

wondering if it makes sense to update the motherboard. Money is very tight so if I have to, is it possible for a 9th gen mother board to use this 3rd gen processor?
ok.... ive arrived at a place where it consistently boots, but whenever the GTX 1650 is installed, i now get the "no display" beeps =( very sad. hopeing to get this up and running, I miss my 32" monitor and need multiple displays for my day to day tasks. I'd be grateful for some help