DHCP Enabled but devices conflict/knock each other off network

Jack Carver

Jun 12, 2014
Hello there,

I have DHCP enabled on my router which has always worked in the past, recently my roommate bought an Xbox 360 and since then the network has been full of conflicts and other devices will either not be able to connect or have very limited signal to the router. Below is all the information needed from the sticky as best as I could answer:


- Provide us with the make and model of your laptop:
Lenvo Flex 14D

- Provide us with the make and model of your router:
DSL 3780 (DLink I think, came from my ISP Talktalk

- Provide us with the make and model of your modem:

- Provide us with the exact specifications of your PC (if applicable) including:

- Make and model of motherboard
- Make and model of power supply
- Make and model of USB or PCI Wifi adapter
- Operating system and driver version

Most can be found on product page, OS is Windows 8.1

- You will also need to post your ISP and connection type:
TalkTalk, router settings show PPPoE as connection type?

- You will also need to post the exact number of devices connected to your router:
There are currently 8 devices connected according to the router that I know of most are wireless, 2 are ethernet. Although there are two items on the list which I cannot confirm what they are.

- Post any and all error messages you are getting from your ISP or Windows itself:
No error messages from ISP, maybe router logs but I wouldn't know where to check. Error messages is the usual bottom right corner notification saying that this device is conflicting with other network devices.
It sounds as if someone has set one of the devices to have a fixed IP address and have chosen one that is within the scope of your DHCP zone. (From what you say the XBox would seem to be a good candidate.) If this is the case then you will inevitably get conflicts.

Check the network settings on each device on you network and ensure that they are set to receive an address automatically. If any device really needs a fixed address then you must choose one that is not in the DHCP range.
Try setting a static IP for the ethernet address of the xbox and then going into xbox settings and enter in the same IP information as static.

When making the static IP be sure to put it outside of your DHCP range. If this started happening after the xbox was plugged in, it's probably glitching and filling up all the leases available in your network.

Just to be sure, if the xbox is unplugged does your connection run fine on other devices?
I have checked the devices and all are set to receive a DHCP address from the router. The two ethernet devices are my Xbox 360 and a Youview box (Streams TV via internet) both of these are also DHCP, although the Youview Box has been unable to connect to the internet for a while now. My roommate and I have both determined that it is the Xbox interfering, if I were to block the Mac address then the network runs fine but if it is on and connected issues arise.