Diablo 3 cheapest Radeon for 1024 x 768 on deacent settings


Apr 18, 2012
What's the cheapest Radeon card that can run Diablo 3 at decent looking settings at 1024X768?
I'm getting this as a birthday gift for my father (a diehard D2 player of 10+ years) and I've been mainly a high end nVidia user so I've a bit confused as to rating the cards form generation to generation. The card will never run at more then 1024x768 as my dad refuses to use a higher resolution. I'd like to get a Radeon because the rig I built for him a couple years ago is running off of an onboard Radion chip that's supposed to be able to crossfire with a PCIE card (BIOSTAR TA880GB+), but just in case I'd like the new card to be able to run the game nicely without crossfire.

The recommended 4870 doesn't really exist in the retail world anymore (4 years old it's not surprising), and I have the feeling that at such a low res even it might be overkill.

Not sure what the PSU was, but it's a solid brand Antic or Corsair somewhere in the 450-530 range, to be on the safe side the lower the power consumption the better for the new card.
Ram 4gb DDR3 1333 I think, Probably Corsair
CPU is an AMD X3 440 tri core @ 3.0 GHz

I built it summer 2010 with getting him a graphics card when D3 came out in mind.
What kind of PSU does his system have in it --- When adding a new GPU you need to know what type of power the system can provide or you'll run into problems - so hard to suggest the best option without knowing more about the system such as the PSU - CPU - RAM - etc. that the rest of the system is going to be using so that we can suggest something that performs the best with those other parts (no reason to have more GPU power than the system can handle !)


Apr 18, 2012
Updated OP with additional specs I can remember.

I'm kinda wondering about the 6670, I've been looking at some charts and a 6770 is the closest to the 4870 in terms of benchmarks, but at the same price point a 7750 is more bang for the buck. I would prefer something cheaper though.


Apr 18, 2012
Thanks :) Have been browsing Newegg all night and missed that rebate, was looking at the Sapphire.

If anyone else has a recommendation I'm not ordering till tomorrow.