Diablo 3 Expansion Plans, StarCraft 2 Update

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i would like a chart showing how many people even tried the expansion.. i cant see it being above 30%...
Yes people still play D3. Now that the legendary drop rate has been increased and the quality of them increased. Add to that the infernal machine event, there are more than 500 MP games going a night.
Activision is behind the Skylanders games... Makes sense. They sell these figures for $10-$15 that unlock an in-game character. What a rip-off. If the figures were even able to be played with as a toy, I would understand, but they don't move at all. They are like a statue. Shame on you Activision for milking those little kids' parents out of money. Shame on you.
I bought Starcraft 2, enjoyed the campaign immensely and played multiplayer as a diamond-level zerg for for many months until I got bored with it. I bought Diablo 3 with some of the highest personal expectations for a video game I've ever had and came away with one of the greatest disappointments in gaming I've ever experienced due to the core gameplay design and integration with an auction house system that ruined longevity for me.

I wont be buying either expansion and I have a feeling I'm not alone; particularly concerning Diablo 3.
Diablo 3 needs to make playing with others a better experience than playing alone. An expansion sounds great. Maybe jewels can be added so having emeralds or rubies in everything can be changed. Another act and new characters are a give in.
When I heard DIII was an "online" game, I was expecting a Guild Wars 1 type deal, then I got DIII and was like WTF. Now I play Guild Wars 2......They would have to pay me to play DIII again and pay me $500 to install the expansion.
[citation][nom]bigdaddyjosh[/nom]Yes people still play D3. Now that the legendary drop rate has been increased and the quality of them increased. Add to that the infernal machine event, there are more than 500 MP games going a night.[/citation]

That's fairly bad however. 500 MP games means 2000 people in a game at any given time. If they sold 10 Million copies, this means they're running only 2 hundredths of a percent (0.02%) of their total sales and the way D3 was setup, they were s'posed to be making revenues from the RMAH. If only 2k people are playing at any given time, that's pretty damn lackluster.

And lets face it, Bretik wasn't far off the mark when he said that the present Blizzard people would end up failing. If only 0.02% of the total sales are still playing regularly after 6 months, and you compare that to the number of people that played Diablo and Diablo 2 up till recently, that's abyssmal with what the new team has done compared to the old team (that are now all over the place between Arena Net for GW and GW 2, Runic for TL and TL2, and even those that created Hellgate: London which ultimately failed as well).
[citation][nom]bigdaddyjosh[/nom]Yes people still play D3. Now that the legendary drop rate has been increased and the quality of them increased. Add to that the infernal machine event, there are more than 500 MP games going a night.[/citation]

I want to know where do you get that "better" drop because I'm getting &hity drop all the time every-time even with the NV at 5...I think that finishing D3 22 times and not getting a single set item or items that I can actually use is ridiculous. All the items I have I had to buy and that is the major issue with D3. Enough said.

SC2 is great and I still play it today since release. Cant wait for the swam.
[citation][nom]xero141[/nom]Blizzard and no confirmed release window.. We all know what that means..[/citation]

It means the expansion will be out by next summer. The old excellence-1st regime is gone, replaced by greedy corporate types that won't tolerate a late release. These guys are all in for their stockholders......look for another release next May-June that players will pay to beta test AGAIN.
I played D3 from its release until about a month ago. I made over $1000 selling items on the real money auction house. I admit, I spent a good portion of that on items for myself. Overall, the experience was great. Now, I am playing GW2. I already have a level 80 Engineer. I plan on returning to D3 soon, but will keep playing both games if Halo 4 doesn't take up all of my time.
[citation][nom]balister[/nom]That's fairly bad however. 500 MP games means 2000 people in a game at any given time. If they sold 10 Million copies, this means they're running only 2 hundredths of a percent (0.02%) of their total sales and the way D3 was setup, they were s'posed to be making revenues from the RMAH. If only 2k people are playing at any given time, that's pretty damn lackluster.And lets face it, Bretik wasn't far off the mark when he said that the present Blizzard people would end up failing. If only 0.02% of the total sales are still playing regularly after 6 months, and you compare that to the number of people that played Diablo and Diablo 2 up till recently, that's abyssmal with what the new team has done compared to the old team (that are now all over the place between Arena Net for GW and GW 2, Runic for TL and TL2, and even those that created Hellgate: London which ultimately failed as well).[/citation]

The number he's referring to indicates how many open games there are, games with less than 4 players in them. Once a game reaches 4 players, it's removed from the count. Considering whenever I open a game to the public it fills about instantly, 500 open games seems like it means a whole lot of people are playing the game. Also, that number only shows open games for your current region.

That's only taking public games into account, the vast majority of players play solo or with friends.
[citation][nom]whiteodian[/nom]Activision is behind the Skylanders games... Makes sense. They sell these figures for $10-$15 that unlock an in-game character. What a rip-off. If the figures were even able to be played with as a toy, I would understand, but they don't move at all. They are like a statue. Shame on you Activision for milking those little kids' parents out of money. Shame on you.[/citation]
Shame on a for-profit company for making money? Ha Ha Ha Ha... funniest thing i read all week. Thanks Bro, you just made my day 😀 I needed it.
Haven't played D3 in a long while. To be fair though, I did recently acquire a motorcycle. Probably still cheaper in the long run this way too!
[citation][nom]PseudopsiaKite[/nom]Blizzard needs to fix D3 before I'll even consider buying the expansion.[/citation]

Sorry but they copy/pasted some of the good bits of D2 into D3 to make it semi-playable at best so what you see is just about what you'll get. I honestly don't know what else they could add to the game to make it better than perhaps PvP. That however should have been in at launch but perhaps they were too preoccupied pounding in thousands of lines of code and lawyering up to release the RMAH since apparently the investors come beforeth the actual gamer. The only way I'd ever even remotely consider a Diablo 3 expansion is if it's in the bargain bin for $5 or free/gifted.
[citation][nom]balister[/nom]That's fairly bad however. 500 MP games means 2000 people in a game at any given time. If they sold 10 Million copies, this means they're running only 2 hundredths of a percent (0.02%) of their total sales and the way D3 was setup, they were s'posed to be making revenues from the RMAH. If only 2k people are playing at any given time, that's pretty damn lackluster.And lets face it, Bretik wasn't far off the mark when he said that the present Blizzard people would end up failing. If only 0.02% of the total sales are still playing regularly after 6 months, and you compare that to the number of people that played Diablo and Diablo 2 up till recently, that's abyssmal with what the new team has done compared to the old team (that are now all over the place between Arena Net for GW and GW 2, Runic for TL and TL2, and even those that created Hellgate: London which ultimately failed as well).[/citation]

What I personally do not get is why people feel the need to hold Blizzard to such a high standard compared to the rest of the developers out there. Sure D3 has it issues, and you seem confident that your argument has credit, but it does not.

Your assessment of D3 based on your rudimentary math to determine the number of people still playing it is a red herring. It doesn't matter how many people are still playing it because Blizzard does not draw income from D3 on monthly subscriptions.

You are making an argument based on a standard that you are only applying to Diablo 3. In fact, the only reason you are able to make this argument is because it requires an Online connection to play, therefor Blizzard shares minimum information about how many people are playing.

Diablo 3 is not a subscription MMO, It is a one time purchase to play game. Every game that gets released that does not have a subscription attached to it suffers the same drop of in player base that happened in Diablo 3 yet would you call every person who has developed a game that became somewhat irrelevant 6-9 months after its release a failure?

I got my 300-350 hours out of Diablo 3; I do not play it much anymore but that is fine. I don't play Skyrim much anymore (120 Hours); I probably wont play Assassin Creed III (51 hours) anymore after getting getting the Platinum Trophy, I haven't touched Borderlands 2 in a month, I haven't played Arkham City in months, I haven't Played Max Payne 3 in months. I have about 130 PS3 games sitting on a shelf that I have beaten and played and will probably never play them again.

Does that make every one of those companies a failure because I am not playing their games any longer even though I bought them?

The real Diablo 3 hasn't been released yet. It's called Path of Exile. This is coming from a person who still plays D3 several times a week btw.
[citation][nom]osamabinrobot[/nom]oh are we going to have to pay to get PVP now?[/citation] Wouldn't even doubt it if Blizzard lumped that in with the expansion which would be bs because it was used as a selling point on the game when it launched, but they'll probably see a class action lawsuit if they try that scam.
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