Diablo 3 Patch Exploit Brought NA Auction Houses Offline

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And this is why the real money auction house is idiotic. Blizzard cannot keep their shit together and regulate this game that involves REAL money. Now this incident made gold useless and now players will have to resort to US Dollars to buy their gear HAHAHA
And this is why the real money auction house is idiotic. Blizzard cannot keep their shit together and regulate this game that involves REAL money. Now this incident made gold useless and now players will have to resort to US Dollars to buy their gear HAHAHA
Maxinexus, believe that ton of people play this game, including me. Every patch has improved the game big time. Because you don't like the game, doesn't mean everyone else has to hate it as well. People play this game because it's fun for them. I personally hate the AH but it's there and not going anywhere so most have learned to live with it. Don't be so dramatic.

I love it, its a great game. Just keep your stupid opinions to yourself.

Totally Rigged. Just like this game is rigged, this whole incident is all Blizzard insiders doing as intended, to keep people talking about this game, to keep the interest alive and kicking, until sadly, this pos game will still be gracing the next gen and current gen consoles later this year. If you think this bug was unintentional, you all really need to get your heads out from the sand. Grow a spine people, stop playing this corporate infused lab experiment of a game. I am most sad that the state of this game bears the name of Diablo. I mean, have you people actually seen the secret level? If that doesn't make you want to burn every Blizzard product in your house down, I don't know what you people need to learn more.
D3 still alive? lol..I played it for 1 month and never went back. Blizzard lost their touch 🙁
Totally Rigged. Just like this game is rigged, this whole incident is all Blizzard insiders doing as intended, to keep people talking about this game, to keep the interest alive and kicking, until sadly, this pos game will still be gracing the next gen and current gen consoles later this year. If you think this bug was unintentional, you all really need to get your heads out from the sand. Grow a spine people, stop playing this corporate infused lab experiment of a game. I am most sad that the state of this game bears the name of Diablo. I mean, have you people actually seen the secret level? If that doesn't make you want to burn every Blizzard product in your house down, I don't know what you people need to learn more.
I'm sure the majority of current players are using the auction houses because those of us who hated them (and what they did to the game) stopped playing LONG ago.
I only play tf2, but it's things like this that will make me NEVER ever pay real money for in game currency or "premium" items.
I've got over 50 stranges and they were all free :)
i dont buy pirated games anymore (for the past 3-4 years i think) and this game is the most expensive one that i regret buying.
i'd probably enjoy torchlight 2 more, while i will get come the next sale on steam
The only reason they dont shut down the auction house is becouse they can make money from it.
Fluctuate prices? They have been doing that in diablo 2 for 5 years and they did not notice?
Blizzard, if you are going to lie, do it a bit better, this is just an insult to our intelligence.
"The Auction Houses would be used only by a small percentage of players"
Yep, that's why you get soooo many awesome drops while you grind away. When you can farm gold faster than gear, guess where you take your gold? Idiot.

I agree... If the do this intentionally everything will cost too much gold and people will be forced to use the real money AH and blizzard will make a profit.

I have seen the secret level... Do you know why it's like that? Because of people like you complaining that the color's they were using were too bright and animated while the game was being made. So they made a super happy bright cartoon land level to throw it back in everyone's faces.

Also, Blizzard hasn't fallen off... I agree Diablo 3 could have been MUCH better.. but have you played StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm?

And for those of you that have stopped playing did you know there is an end game now? You can change the monster power levels and collect keys to create the infernal machine and fight high powered bosses that make Diablo seem like a joke.
I recently started playing the game, but with a strict rule that I, and those I play with, will never use the auction house again.
Not using the auction house, and forgetting that it is there, makes the game much better to play and more fun. The game is still lacking content and quite weak considering the size of the team and the amount of time they had to develop the game.
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