Diamond/S3 No More??


Dec 31, 2007
Anyone know what's going on at Diamond Multimedia/S3/Sonic Blue? Are they still in the business of making graphics card? The last chip they introduced was the Savage 2000 which they used on the Viper II. Nothing new on their web site apart from their MP3 players.


S3 has stopped it's graphic cards sector and will, in the future, mostly produce multimedia products. Sorry for that.
The only new graphic cards i have heard of are the Diamond Fire GL2 and GL3. Both are professional boards with prices of $1200 and up.
So much for the actual situation. Support will be available a little longer for gamer cards, but don't count to long on it.


too bad, too.
from 1996 till now my diamind 3d 2000 s3 card has been the most compatible card that i have ever seen.
i guess because s3 was the king for a while so that all game writers always made a provision for it.
diamond also. dianond used to be the card to get because it was worth the extra money just to get their better and higher performing drivers.
the best/prettiest color to this day was a diamond speed star 24x. things change. voodoo was a splash in the pan compared to compared to the dynasty of s3 and diamond.
and hayes modems out of business too.
hope nvidea last a long time. they seem to be consumer friendly, and the only 3d chips to have at this point. greg