Did any of you see

The Live version of, "The Sound of Music" ?

There's been a lot of criticism for the undertaking, from it being shortened, to the audacity of Carrie Underwood playing Fraulein Maria playing Julie Andrews part in it, to others that were casted in it as well.

My opinion is, of course it was shortened, it was a live rendition, they couldn't duplicate the movie in it's entirety, it was like the Cliff Notes of the movie for a Live performance.

The music was fantastic, the singing was fantastic.

Carrie Underwood has a marvelous voice and she sung the parts very well, the difference is when Julie sung, it was from the heart, she felt what she sung, and I think that's what set her apart in all her work.

Carrie was duplicating and she did a great job and along with the other artists it was really good, IMO.

If you saw it what are your opinions?
My wife and I watched it while putting up Christmas decorations. Not sure if it was the live broadcast or a re-broadcast, regardless. When I first saw it was Carrie Underwood, a did a double take and scoffed. But as I watched and listened, I thought she did a really good job. She proved that she is just not another CMA pretty face with a good studio voice; she truly has talent and certainly knows how to exercise her pipes. Even with the shortened version, it still drew me into the story. Actually, I preferred the shortened version as I always zone in and out when watching the movie...lol!

It think its unfair to compare the Julie Andrews version to the live version, but then again never saw/heard Julie Andrews perform it live either...
My wife and I watched it while putting up Christmas decorations. Not sure if it was the live broadcast or a re-broadcast, regardless. When I first saw it was Carrie Underwood, a did a double take and scoffed. But as I watched and listened, I thought she did a really good job. She proved that she is just not another CMA pretty face with a good studio voice; she truly has talent and certainly knows how to exercise her pipes. Even with the shortened version, it still drew me into the story. Actually, I preferred the shortened version as I always zone in and out when watching the movie...lol!

It think its unfair to compare the Julie Andrews version to the live version, but then again never saw/heard Julie Andrews perform it live either, so. But with a film, they can do take after re-take and cherry pick the best performances. No such luxury in a live version, you either do it well or don't. For that reason alone I give Carrie Underwood, and the entire cast, big kudos for their performances.
No one can even close to the original Maria played by Julie Andrews.Carrie U. a joke indeed.


Their goal was not to upscale Julie Andrews and honestly if you look at it from that perspective you missed the whole point of a live performance, IMO Julie should be flattered.

Carrie and all the cast did a fantastic job, she is definitely not a joke!