About 2 weeks ago my BIOS said I had a fan failure. The comp is located below my desk in its own enclosed compartment. Disconnected all the wires etc. and reconnected power cord only. All 4 fans spinning. After the 5th time this happened. I saw that the venting fan was stuck but after a little nudge it continued to spin. Replaced with exact same venting fan & added a larger vent fan that has 3 speeds I can select. Cleaned the heat sink & fan, put new thermal paste & flashed the BIOS. Installed Core Temp & CPUID HWMonitor. Both give identical readings. Depending on which core the min and max go from 59 to 92C with Core Temp setting the Tjunctuin Max at 100C. Before I added the bigger fan only when I play online games (game show network) does the temp reach as high a 102C within 30 seconds & back to safe temps very quickly upon exit. Now never goes over 100C. HP info said Tcase is 62.5C and so does Intel. Tj Max 67.5C. Right now only ie & the two temp monitors are running & all 4 cores in the safe range. Actual temp right now 68-71C. Min & max Tj 59-92C. When I transmux mpls files to iso the temp barely moves. Only the gsn.com web site causes my temp to spike even before I start to play! My computer seems to function correctly. Hope someone out there can help. BTW was gonna run Prime 95 today. The Intel IPDT test is a bit too much for me. Thanks all. Aloha, tangone Ran Prime95.completed 4 self test cycles with no errors. Temps wemt to 102C & windows did not auto shut down my computer. According to Prime95 I'm OK. Thanks for all who responded. tangone