Did I burn out my PCI-E slot somehow?


Feb 13, 2017
Hello Tom's community. I need help with an extremely mild graphics card install. I have a Lenovo K410 with a 280W power supply and I was running a GT 620. Well, I didn't want to get into the issue of compatibility with aftermarket graphics cards and went to Lenovo and bought a GT 640 through their supplier Encompass. I went through the install procedure, using DDU, and when I went to install the drivers for the GT 640 card both from Lenovo and Nvidia it starts the driver installation and then stops with "...cannot find Nvidia hardware." I even reinstalled the old card, thinking that the new one was the problem and it doesn't work now. Both cards were installed till they clicked. I can't imagine it was static on the slot because I am writing this post on the computer in question. It works fine with the integrated graphics out of the mobo. What do I do now?
Did you leave the computer plugged in while you swapped them? This can cause issue. I would try to update and reset the BIOS and look in the BIOS for the setting where it prioritizes the video card over the onboard (primary video adapter usually). If that doesn't work and you have no other PC to try the card in, or other cards to try in your PC, not sure what else to do.

Thanks for your help. No, I'm pretty sure that I made sure to unplug the computer and touch the case for static electricity. I need to find a way to test a pci-e slot with a device? I did have the video card BIOS set to IGP so I could set up the driver but it won't recognize the card so I can't set up the driver so I have no hope of it working on Pxx., it'll just black screen like it did the first time. In fact, thinking about it, I'm sure I unplugged when I put the card in. Could a 65 watt card burn out the slot? Seems crazy.