Did i fried my MotherBoard with my RAM?


Sep 5, 2016
I have a problem with my motherboard, today i wanted to change a RAM, i did it but my screen doesn't output anything. So in that hurry i pulled out the RAM till that PC was turn on.
Then in the right of the slot a small black thing, i don't know exactly what is that, i supposed that is a condenser. start to smell as burned.
I tried the old RAM but the output is still black.
Did i fried my motherboard or just the RAM slots, if is second what can i do?
Any help is welcomed.
Thanks for help.
Yeah, sorry for so few details but i was so angry about that and i couldn't write them all.

So if you have a problem that is similar to mine here is what i did,
1.Take a break, discconect.
2.Try to search the answer on this site or youtube.
My answer was here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKaU2TwBbZk
I did that move with my finger :bounce: and my PC start running again.
3.I switched RAM back and forth until i saw that
I FRIED A RAM SLOT, so isn't so expensive like the entire MotherBoard, and i think i fried the RAM too but i didn't checked yet.
Thanks for help and i hope this is a solution for you too.
Yeah, sorry for so few details but i was so angry about that and i couldn't write them all.

So if you have a problem that is similar to mine here is what i did,
1.Take a break, discconect.
2.Try to search the answer on this site or youtube.
My answer was here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKaU2TwBbZk
I did that move with my finger :bounce: and my PC start running again.
3.I switched RAM back and forth until i saw that
I FRIED A RAM SLOT, so isn't so expensive like the entire MotherBoard, and i think i fried the RAM too but i didn't checked yet.
Thanks for help and i hope this is a solution for you too.