[SOLVED] Did I fry more than my PSU?


Nov 23, 2014
I was so use to looking at PSUs and adapters and seeing 110-220V [auto-switching] inputs.... Well, at least this required taking the the front plate off my little tinnie case to see the voltage switch I forgot about. So I ended up plugging it in to 240V when set to 120V.

It was a RaidMax RX-450K. Nothing special at all about it as far as PSUs go. I'm just curious, before I just plop down $$$ to get another exact model ... is the rest of my computer probably okay? I did a little searching and saw it had overload and over voltage protection but nothing more specific. I opened it up and like all broken circuits (that I've seen)... everything looks pretty much okay. I had a hard time inspecting the fuse and have no idea if the copper wire broke. It looks intact but due to positioning I really couldn't get a light source at an angle where it was visible without glare or pieces of other components.

Only way to tell is a new PSU.

And not the same PSU because the one you got was already dangerous junk. Any PSU with a voltage switch was already woefully out-of-date by 2005 or so and Raidmax is notorious for selling the dodgiest crap they can dig up.


Use another spare PSU that is of decent quality, and see if your system boots up. If it boots without any issues, then your computer is fine. If you don't have another spare PSU, try testing the components on another compatible system. Ask your friends if they can help you out. You could also use a SATA to usb adapter and test your drive(s) on a laptop/desktop, to see if your data is safe.

Plus the RaidMax you used is very cheap and not great at all. What are your specs and country of origin?