Did I fry my mobo?


Nov 18, 2017
Hi, very new to PC Building so really appreciate any help. I tried connecting an RGB light strip to the header on the mobo and immediately after I turned on the PC, I saw smoke coming from the general area of the RGB pin headers on the mobo. Something smelt burnt too.

Have I fried the mobo and all my other components as well?

Mobo: ASRock AB350M Pro4
Image: https://postimg.org/gallery/2g02vp9uw/

Feelsbadman and I just got it up and running last week..

Do you have any idea what that bit is that looks burnt?

Also, do you think it might have damaged any other components (CPU/CPU Cooler/RAM/GPU/PSU/SSD/HDD)?

From the photos it looks like the board. I really can't answer if anything else is damaged because I am not there, but I would think they are fine. It is possible though.