Question Did I just killed my mobo and cpu....?

Jun 26, 2020
Hello, I am new to this forums, and found it to be very nice in asking complicated questions. I test my ryzen 5 2600 and a320 gigabyte mobo, and everything was fine when I tested it with a friends rig. GPU ship got delayed, so I stored the cpu and mobo together(decided it was too risky to remove the cpu) in the original mobo cardboard box in my walk in closet , and called it a day. When I finally was going to get the parts from the closet, and had the mobo box in hand, I accidentally slide my arm against one of the shirts, and could feel and hear the static electricity shock. I am afraid I dont know from which of the 3 the static discharge came and where it went to, but tried to repeat the incident whilst rubbing the same shirt and empty box , and I couldnt generate the static charge. Since the mobo and cpu were in the box, and inside the antistatic bag(open though), what are the chances the mobo died, and what are the chances the cpu died?
Thanks beforehand for your help