Did I kill my computer?


Jul 30, 2017
Was stupid and tried overclocking m CPU earlier knowing next to nothing about doing so, and when I rebooted my computer I got no video input but components are running. My power button LED no longer works either. I've tried resetting the cmos by removing the battery as I don't have the jumper cables and I've tried taking everything off the board and resitting them. I've removed my RAM sticks and it doesn't make any noises when I try to boot up and I can't turn it off from the power button but I can turn it on. Did I fry my board somehow or what's up? I've been trying for hours to fix it with no luck. I've got a MSI 970a g46

The CPU lights on the board are all lit up at 4 phase power mode (that's what my board manual calls it) does that mean anything aside from my CPU probably making it out alive?

So you didnt touch the voltage,that's good news did it boot up the first time? did you play anything? also what kind of cooler do you have?

For CPU, just one that came with my friends Fx 8350. I got an FX 8100
After the initial restart I got no video input and at that point I started with removing the CMOS battery to other things but still have not gotten any video. But it does get power and the fans on the case, CPU and GPU all work still.

So you have a stock cooler? you should never overclock anything unless you have decent cooling when you overclocking anything it starts to heat up more than before because you are pushing it,if you didnt touch the voltage that means that extra power didnt come through and fry the components(possibly),something feels wrong here what is your psu? and when you boot it up there is nothing on the screen? you cant enter the bios? worse case senario taimoorbaig382 is right

That's probably the case. Since I get no video I can't tell if I can enter the bios or anything so I'll probably get a new board and CPU since this one was old anyways


tell me how did you reset the bios and you didnt tell me your psu

Since I don't have the jumper cable thing, I turned off the power and removed the cmos battery for 2 minutes or so. And my psu is a 750watt Corsair brand psu
Corsair 750m


take the battery out and press the power button for a solid 15 seconds and try to boot it up if it doesnt work just do what
taimoorbaig382 said

finally someone that agrees,it doesnt make sense for a component to be fried if the voltage was not touched