Did I kill my motherboard?


May 18, 2013
Long story short, I was doing some work on my computer and ended up moving it back to its normal position while it was turned on. Some cords were tangled up and the computer got disconnected from the outlet while it was still running.

When I rebooted I got a warning that the BIOS settings had an issue and was given options to load optimals settings and continue, load optimal settings and reboot, or enter the BIOS set up. I chose the last one and checked the settings out but didn't make any changes.

When my session loaded the mouse was unresponsive, so I rebooted again . . . but after shutting down the computer would not restart.

Now when I hit the power button the lights flicker and the fan starts but then everything immediately shuts down. Subsewuent power button presses get no reaction at all. If I unplug the power cord and plug it back in I get a flicker again.

I've tried unplugging and repluggin/re-seating everything, and I tried a second power supply that I have on hand with exactly the same results.

Is there something else I should try before ordering a new motherboard?

Try reseating the CPU, make sure the socket is clean, my computer did this and this was the fix.

Try reseating the CPU, make sure the socket is clean, my computer did this and this was the fix.
That sounds plausible--I did drop the case a few inches when the cords grabbed it, but it looks like it's going to be a pain to do thanks to liquid cooling :/

Post back when you have your results!

I'm afraid my final report isn't going to be very enlightening, because before I got to re-seating the CPU my computer decided to start working again.

I did do two other things that I hadn't tried the last time I posted: the first was that in reading about replacing motherboards I realized I hadn't tried replugging the wires that go from the power button to the motherboard. The second was I noticed that though I had seated the gpu (which I switch every time I have to mess with BIOS because I just get a black screen when the computer goes to BIOS with my newer card) I hadn't put the stabilizing screws back in so the connection might not have been good.

I don't know if one of those two things fixed or if it was something else entirely, but everything seems to be fine now.