Did I make a good decision?

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Oct 22, 2014
So last Dec. I was flat broke and lost my job so I pieced out my 1st ever build/gaming pc. It was a sli gtx970, i7 4790k, 8gb ram, 256gb ssd,1tb hdd, Asus z97amobo w a 27" Asus 144hz monitor and corsair k70 key board. Well I've missed my pc so bad, I loved her. Well this a.m. I had the opportunity for my mother to "finance" me a new pc. I was ecstatic and bought a laptop instead. The lowest Msi Titan you can get 2200$ from Amazon. It is this one. https://m.newegg.com/Product/index?itemnumber=9SIAAPK4YH9305&nm_mc=KNC-GoogleMKP-Mobile&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleMKP-Mobile-_-pla-_-Gaming+Laptops-_-9SIAAPK4YH9305&gclid=CjwKEAjw-uDABRDPz4-0tp6T6lMSJADNoyPboidBW6i7Egpo586pKoPtr-yYIv0YCSKBGx4hV0oKNBoCHxHw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds

Sorry but you have to copy n paste in address bar but I didn't know how else to show you it. I just want to hear input about my choice (brand, model, going to laptop...) I could use someone else's thoughts on it and the decision. I'd greatly appreciate it.
Do you own one by chance? I've never owned a laptop and had a 2000$ budget. When I saw these msi titan series notebooks and there were different prices depending I had to get one. From what I understand the 2200$ is like the base model and has a lot less ram and sad and the base has a 1070 instead of a 1080. From what I've read that's not a Huge difference. So the1070 and an i7 processor did it for me. I can always add more ram or get bigger drives but I don't think that'll even be necessary for quite a while. So I'm super excited. I went from not even thinking about a new pc to my mother offering to finance one for me so this was decided within an hour lol.

No, unfortunately I don't own one (my main laptop is the one in my sig, below). But I like to think I know a sweet laptop when I see one. 😉 I can certainly understand your excitement! 😀

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