Did I ruin my pc?


Jul 14, 2012
I was cleaning my computer out because i have never cleaned it out before with air duster. But as i was doing it some of the like liquid stuff came out and got on my motherboard. I stopped and let it dry for 10+ hours. I tried to turn it on and it sometimes would turn on then right off, or sometimes i would be able to log in and use the internet and everything for 10+ minutes then it would turn off. Anything i can do to fix this?
If it's completely dry, sounds like you've just broken your motherboard. Not entirely sure, if anyone with more experience on mobos can confirm this, that would be great, but it does sound like you've just destroyed that part of your motherboard, so it's not going to work.

You should be able to buy a new mobo yourself and put it in for around £30-£60, depending on what PC you have (it can be a lot more if your PC is expensive, but if it's a cheapish (>£400) desktop you're looking at around £50.

Ah well currently its running and its been running for 30+ minutes now, and functions normally. But I'm sure it will turn off at anytime.