Did my SSD fail?


Nov 24, 2011
Hello all.

I have a custom built rig with many, many hard drives. In fact; whenever I have purchased or built a new computer I have moved it into my new build.

In my latest build, I had a 120gb SSD installed for the operating system and a few other key programs. I still had my old computers hard drive that had Windows 7 Ultimate installed on it.

I fired up my computer this morning and it is only booting from my old hard drive. For reference, I have been running the SSD for over 2 years. This isn't a new build issue. When I check to see what drives are recognized I only get my "old" hard drive that is now the boot drive and my three external hard drives. My SSD is no where to be found. I have already checked the connections so that isn't an issue.

For the record, my SSD had less than 8 gbs of free space remaining at last check.

Please help! Anyone know how to diagnose this? I'm thinking the SSD is shot but I really hope not.

Is it seen in the BIOS?
If not, all indications point toward....dead.
Well a few things, you never want to use all the disk space or close to an ssd or hdd. Golden rule leave 10% of space on an hdd. about 15-20% on an ssd. I wanna say that it messes with the ssd's trim function if you use to much space so 120*.2 about 24 gb of space should be left free at all times.

Have you tried un plugging and replugging in the ssd? Did you at any point unplug and move around your drives to different ports some motherboards usually have a dedicated o.s. sata port. Try messing around in the bios boot order.
Sorry, this is really hard to navigate on my phone. The BIOS is not recognizing the drive at all.

I am trying to access disc management but this thing is super slow and many functions not working.

I haven't touched the inside much beyond looking to see if there were any changes (it's a clear case)
The SSD is not being recognized by the BIOS whatsoever. I unplugged and re-plugged the SSD and still nothing. I haven't the foggiest idea where my windows key is either. I'm screwed.