I know this article has comments a plenty, but I feel compelled to toss my dual coins into the maelstrom. First off, let it be known I am no Apple aficionado by any means, secondly, how does one steal an idea? As others have mentioned, ideas for nifty gadgets, and experimental doo-dads abound. I have thought up a plethora of "good ideas" only to find out that someone, somewhere already made it or was about to. Now, if Apple Ninjas broke into a rival company's R&D division, swiped blue prints, photoed prototypes, and fully intended to clone a competitors product I would call that stealing. To call it "stealing" when you bring someone's idea to life is a stretch. Good form may suggest that Apple dole out credit where credit is due, however, it almost seems worthless... e.g. Sample statement from Apple, "For a few decades now the idea of a touchscreen, hand-held computer floated around the collective minds of researchers, scholars, and script writers, we thought it was time to build one of our own, here ya go!"
A more personal example, a few years ago I thought up an idea for miniature solar cells that looked like roof shingles. They would be able to encompass an entire roof, generate more power, and be more ascetically pleasing. My idea took about 15 seconds to formulate, and I never pursued development in any regard. I found this company and others a little while after I gave birth to my idea, http://www.oksolar.com/roof/
I will take my kudos and check please...
A more personal example, a few years ago I thought up an idea for miniature solar cells that looked like roof shingles. They would be able to encompass an entire roof, generate more power, and be more ascetically pleasing. My idea took about 15 seconds to formulate, and I never pursued development in any regard. I found this company and others a little while after I gave birth to my idea, http://www.oksolar.com/roof/
I will take my kudos and check please...