Soldiersm :
VincentP :
PC3-12800 is DDR3-1600, PC3-10600 is DDR3-1333.
Your motherboard supports both.
Your CPU may only support DDR3-1333 depending on the model, but if so then DDR3-1600 will just default to DDR3-1333 speed anyway.
I see some ram saying either
PC3 - 8GB 10600 1600mhz
PC3 - 8GB 12800 1600mhz
Just wanted to know the difference
My CPU is i7 3770
I don't know where you have seen that, but it is rubbish.
Rated speeds are as I wrote in the previous post.
Your CPU supports DDR3 1333/1600, so choose PC3-12800. This is DDR3-1600.
I should also mention that you should be using a kit with 2 matched dimms.
The CPU has a dual channel memory controller and making use of this is more important than the difference between DDR3-1333 and...