Difference between 568A and 568B wiring for network


Apr 9, 2012
Does anyone have a link they can recommend for me to learn the difference between 568A wiring and 568B? I am visual and if I can see a diagram, it would help me a lot.

Thanks in advance

I' still confused because it says that 'pairs 2 and 3 are switched' but it looks like to me that 1 and 6 are switched also.

But thank you for taking the time to help.
Be very careful with the terminology. In one case you are looking at PAIRS and the other you are look at PINS.

This type of information is getting more and more irrelevant. Most this was done when you worried about crossover or straight cables. Most newer technology has the ability to automatically detect and use whatever cable you have.

you're using the word "pairs" to refer to the pins. There are eight pins, but only four *pairs of pins (or pairs of wires)*, so "pair 6" doesn't exist.

In 568 A:
Pair 1: pins 4, 5 (blue/white, solid blue)
Pair 2: pins 3, 6 (orange/white, solid orange)
Pair 3: pins 1, 2 (Green/white, solid green)
Pair 4: pins 7, 8 (brown/white, solid brown)

I know you are right, but I am studying to take my Network+ test next week, and I just wanted to make sure I understood it correctly.

Yes, I was referring to pins, instead of pairs. It is actually easier for me to memorize it if I refer to pins instead of pairs. And so the difference between 568A and B is -- pins 1 and 3 are reversed, and pins 2 and 6?

From what I understand most installations use 568B but it doesn't really matter as long as you have the same thing on both ends of the cable?

True, but once you start wiring a site with one, it's customary to wire the entire site the same way. Don't mix and match as this can cause confusion down the road.

That sounds like good advice!

That is correct, pins 1 & 3 switch with each other, as do 2 & 6.

For purposes of the test however, any aspect of 568A/B can be used in a question. That means the test can ask you a question based on pairs, pins, or even colors.

good luck!