difference between Asus780 and Asus 780 TI


Aug 19, 2012
im looking into getting one of these cards but the 780TI is almost $200 more, i dont see much of a difference, am i missing something? and should i hold off on geting them for a possible price drop in the bex few months and is there anything in the pipe line that has 4gb of ram for the 780? im currently running 2 asus 660 TI's 2gb cards in SLI. Thanks
Simply put, the Ti is just a more powerful version of the card. The regular 780 has restricted access to some parts of the chipset, like cuda cores. It's the most powerful single GPU card available.

There is a 6GB version of the regular 780 coming out soon, but the extra memory won't really help unless you are using a multi-monitor setup for gaming.
Simply put, the Ti is just a more powerful version of the card. The regular 780 has restricted access to some parts of the chipset, like cuda cores. It's the most powerful single GPU card available.

There is a 6GB version of the regular 780 coming out soon, but the extra memory won't really help unless you are using a multi-monitor setup for gaming.