Difference between GTX 750 Ti and GTX 750 (no Ti)

Circa 1999 this term has been used by NVIDIA to indicate a higher level version of the same card eg 560 vs 560ti, 780 vs 780ti etc. In the latest generation of cards we now have the gtx 750 recently appearing with it's ti version. Ti is also short for Titanium on the periodic table but other than marketing purposes I do not have any data to support the use of this material in their gpus. Cu is short for copper and you do see that on some models which I do believe utilize copper parts but again not sure if that's concidental or for marketing but that's another topic.
The more important part to answering your question is that there are signficiant differences that may or may not be valuable to you at this price range...
Circa 1999 this term has been used by NVIDIA to indicate a higher level version of the same card eg 560 vs 560ti, 780 vs 780ti etc. In the latest generation of cards we now have the gtx 750 recently appearing with it's ti version. Ti is also short for Titanium on the periodic table but other than marketing purposes I do not have any data to support the use of this material in their gpus. Cu is short for copper and you do see that on some models which I do believe utilize copper parts but again not sure if that's concidental or for marketing but that's another topic.
The more important part to answering your question is that there are signficiant differences that may or may not be valuable to you at this price range:
The article linked above should answer any and all of your questions in supreme detail. However, to summarize some key differences:

The ti version has:

2GB vs 1GB of memory.
5 activated smx units vs 4.
640 shader cores vs 512
40 texture units vs 32
5400mhz effective data memory speed vs 5010
At load (fully stressed) the ti was at 57c vs 56c

All fps data is the 1920x1200 res:

Hitman 36 vs 33
Tomb Raider 42 vs 49
MOH-WF 36 vs 32
Bioshock Infinite 48 vs 41
BF4 37 vs 32
Metro Last Light 30 vs 25
Crysis 3 25 vs 21

Benchmark Data:

3dmark 11 P 6043 vs 5187
3dmark X 1878 vs 1601
3dmark2013 Firestrike 3929 vs 3620

core oc 1150 vs 1140
memory oc 6696 vs 6310

That about sums it up.

My take:

Keep in mind most games run well in the 30-40fps range so in certain cases the ti gives you just that while the non falls just short only in Crysis 3 and Metro Last Light (ti is only 25fps too here though). Ideally you want 60fps but you can get away with 30+ for the most part and enjoy a good game. Just don't expect pro results at this level.
I say, if you care about benchmarking then the ti is signficantly better but outside of that it's pretty close. On average you are looking at $40 to $50 more for the ti version and gaming wise I'm not sure if you can really justify the difference atm. For future proofing the ti version is your better bet but based on current data it is hard to justify the price difference; I would currently label the difference as mildly significant at best. My 2cents! Hope this helps!
Outstanding, extraordinarily thorough answer! If only everyone put this much into their answers