Difference between Kingston DDR4 2133MHz (CL15 regular vs CL14 HyperX Fury)


Mar 23, 2015
Hey guys,

What is the difference between
Kingston DDR4 2133MHz CL15 /and/ Kingston DDR4 2133MHz CL14 HyperX Fury

The only difference I see is the lower CAS latency on HyperX Fury, but how does that affect performance? To what extent? (e.g. FPS in games, or other real life real life benchm.)

In the country where I live I can get either of them, but there is quite a noticeable price difference.
I can get the CL15 regular kit 2x8Gb for ~93USD and the CL14 HyperX kit 2x8Gb for ~115USD

Is there a real performance boost to the CL14 HyperX? (Does the ~23% price difference justify it?)
- or should I get even get and OC the 2666MHz HyperX version for ~132USD? 42% higher price (The higher freq. than 2666 are already too expensive so I wouldn't even bother)


To give you an acutal idea, here is the equation
(CL/(freq-in-MHZ) * 1000) = timing in ns


Maybe 8% faster.

Low CAS + high Frequency = more speed.
You can see that because of the CAS in the equation, lowering the CAS has a HUGE impact on the actual timing. Frequency has a bit less of an impact. Its the combination that is key of course.

My 15 CAS at 3200 is about 4.68ns, which is quiet a bit faster really. You may want to play with that equation and a few of your options to see what gets you the highest performance.

Thanks for the info, I will play around with the numbers.

I'm building a new pc (i5 6600k with 1070GTX), so I'm heading for something in the higher performance tier. I just want to make justified decisions.

Thanks for the info! By the math @greens suggested I just found a sweat spot
CL12 2400Mhz HyperX, which has 5ns timing.. same as 3000Mhz CL15(also same price Corsair Vengeance)
Now this one costs around ~115USD
- same price as the 14CL/2133Mhz, but 1,3ns (18%) faster
- 23% more expensive than the CL15/2133Mhz, but 2ns (28%) faster

Considering the same price CL12/2400Mhz Kingston HyperX Savage or CL15/3000Mhz Corsair Vengeance LPX?

One more question, does it matter that this memory runs 1.35v? compared to 1.2v for the 2133Mhz ones? Life span, etc..