Difference between LG 34UC79G vs 34UC79G-B

Response times are different
34UC79G has 5ms(High), 1ms with Motion Blur Reduction
34UC79G-B has 14ms / 5ms GTG

34UC79G-B has these additional specs not mentioned by other
Pixel Pitch (mm) - 0.312 mm x 0.312 mm
Color Depth (Number of Colors) - 8bits, 16.7M
Refresh Rate - 144Hz (and yet the 34UC79G mentions it in its description page above the specs section so just ignore this difference)
Aspect Ratio - 21:9

34UC79G allows you to connect monitor to PC audio, -B doesn't

I think the 34UC79G id for people who want to use monitor for games/movies whereas 34UC79G-B might be for more professional users.

Response times are different
34UC79G has 5ms(High), 1ms with Motion Blur Reduction
34UC79G-B has 14ms / 5ms GTG

34UC79G-B has these additional specs not mentioned by other
Pixel Pitch (mm) - 0.312 mm x 0.312 mm
Color Depth (Number of Colors) - 8bits, 16.7M
Refresh Rate - 144Hz (and yet the 34UC79G mentions it in its description page above the specs section so just ignore this difference)
Aspect Ratio - 21:9

34UC79G allows you to connect monitor to PC audio, -B doesn't

I think the 34UC79G id for people who want to use monitor for games/movies whereas 34UC79G-B might be for more professional users.


Wow!! looks like 79G is better right? I'll go with 79G thanks for fast response
Hi! I just contacted the LG and support and they said that both are the same model, without differences between specifications. The 34uc79g is the first model and then they change the name to 34uc79g-b
Why? Who knows.

I comment after all this time bc I'm going to buy one of these and your thread is the only one with the subject. So i wanna to give the correct information