Difference between LGA 1155 and LGA 1150

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Wrong the standard features are pretty similar on both. The difference is that Intel have moved the power saving components that were on the chip back on to the motherboard where they were 10 years ago after their foray into making chips run cooler and more efficiently
Why in the hell would you necro an old SOLVED thread just to start an argument???

The LGA1150s DO offer better standard features. I never said the differences were great, but they are there. Just look at a H61 vs a H81. Good luck finding a H61 with USB 3.0 AND sata III ports.

Yes BUT that was not what I was saying - We know how many contacts each socket has. It can be looked up very easily. I was more interested in the REASON for the frequent, seemingly pointless changes. It turns out that this is more to do with the 22nm lithography used on the newer generation on the "i" series of Intel chips and the reason being is that 22nm lithography consumes less power.

Also Intel have deliberately moved some of the power conditioning components back off the chip and back on to the motherboard, a reverse of what they did years ago, presumably to ensure that you MUST buy a newer motherboard, to run that range of chips as well.

I have had this confirmed by several trade wholesalers that we use, so unless Intel are lying, I will go with what they say.

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