Difference between MSI GTX 970 models?


Oct 17, 2014
Hi there,
I have concluded that if i want to buy a GTX 970, its going to be from MSI! Not only do i have really good experience with them - the reviews are also really good. Silent and value!
BUT they have made THREE different models, with each their price.
What is the difference, and which is the best? (It seems that no one has asked this question before here)

MSI GeForce GTX 970 Gaming 4G [GTX 970 GAMING 4G] ~465$//385€
This one seems to be the best, but also costs more! Still preferring this one!
+Cooler (TwinFrozR V)
+Good build quality
+Comes with game
-Really expensive (Near to the point i don't want ti buy it)

MSI GeForce GTX 970 4GB PhysX CUDA [GTX 970 4GD5T OC] ~420$//350€
I can get this one at 10% off! Has two fans!
+fits build (not that it matters, just OCD)

MSI GeForce GTX 970 4GB PhysX CUDA [GTX 970 4GD5T OC] ~420$//350€
Looks ugly as hell, and only has one fan! Maybe more loud?
+Comes with game
+Sorta fits build (blue)

Thanks! :)
Oh and by the way - please suggest another card if you think it has more value!

Other cards to honour:
ASUS GeForce STRIX GTX 970 4GB PhysX
ZOTAC GeForce GTX 970 4GB PhysX CUDA

I really wanted to buy the Gigabyte GTX 970 (the non gaming one, because its cheaper), but it wouldn't fit in my case 🙁
312mm (card) 290mm (Case)

I5 4690K 4.0Ghz | Hyper 212 EVO | MSI GTX 660 OC | 8GB Crucial Ballistix Sport | 1TB WD Black | Asrock Z97 Extreme 4 | Win7 | Zalman Z11+
the first card is their best one. it has the best cooling and best overclocking potential - things that can greatly effect performance. also it has more features - something like the software that comes with this card, and the 0 decibels cooling - if the gpu core is below 60 C, the fans dont even turn on.
the second one is their regular one. its just a regular 970, with no amazing cooler, and none of the features i mentioned before.
the third option is like the reference design - BLOWER cooler. this card is like the second one, but with a much worse cooler. you wont really be overclocking or push the limits of the gm204 chip with this cooler.

you did suggest other types. the zotac one - which is great is your are on a tighter budget...
I would say, go with the one you like. It really doesn't matter that much. But i don't reccomend the one with the closed cooler ( the one with the afterburner sticker on it ).
the first card is their best one. it has the best cooling and best overclocking potential - things that can greatly effect performance. also it has more features - something like the software that comes with this card, and the 0 decibels cooling - if the gpu core is below 60 C, the fans dont even turn on.
the second one is their regular one. its just a regular 970, with no amazing cooler, and none of the features i mentioned before.
the third option is like the reference design - BLOWER cooler. this card is like the second one, but with a much worse cooler. you wont really be overclocking or push the limits of the gm204 chip with this cooler.

you did suggest other types. the zotac one - which is great is your are on a tighter budget, and the asus one - which is basically the same thing like the first msi option, yet it has some more control on the 0 decibels cooling. i would go with the asus version if you can afford it, as its a little bit more expensive than the other 970 versions.

hope this helps :)

Many thanks! I guess this sheds the choices down to an easier perspective.
Also by reviews, you can't go wrong by going either MSI or ASUS here (their top of the line models, not the cheaper ones) - they are both great cards - so im just going for the cheapest one! 😉
Thanks again.
UPDATE: oh and by the way in my country (Denmark) the asus strix is 32$//26€ cheaper! I think the choice has been made :3