Difference between the game settings for CPU


Jan 13, 2016
Hello Guys,

q9400 hd5450(planning to upgrade gpu)

Let me explain what am I asking;

If my cpu is okay with running a game with 60-70 fps in lowest graphic settings but 5-10 fps in max settings because my graphics cards is hd5450 would cpu be okay with running that game in max settings when I upgrade my gpu? As I know, since cpu does not care about the graphics but the game engine, and increasing the settings would not change cpu's work, cpu would be totally okay right?
Depends on what GPU to upgrade to, if it's to high end of a part it could create an imbalance of power. The Q9400 is an old part and at this point pairing it with a modern GPU wouldn't be the best idea im my opinion. If possible, i'd save up a bit an switch to a more relevant platform.
Depends on what GPU to upgrade to, if it's to high end of a part it could create an imbalance of power. The Q9400 is an old part and at this point pairing it with a modern GPU wouldn't be the best idea im my opinion. If possible, i'd save up a bit an switch to a more relevant platform.