Difference in resolutions


Aug 6, 2014
Hello, I have recently been looking at buying a new pc (with monitor). I've got the pc finished but now its a matter of getting the monitor, and i'm stuck.

As i don't know much about monitors (resolutions, MHz, refresh rate. ect.) i need a communities help to decide.



They are the two monitors i am currently deciding on. And i can't come to a decision. I know that basically the higher the monitors resolution, the nicer it looks. the refresh rates and response times are the same its only the resolution i am worried about. As i will be playing games (Which i already play but with a terrible computer) where it does not let you set the resolution of the game such as minecraft ect., I am worried that the bigger the resolution the laggier the game will be. I don't know whether it will even effect the FPS of the game, due to the PC ect. This is why i've come here.

http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/CTPTjX (The build)

I would like to know if it would even effect the FPS of the game in the difference between 1600 x 900 and 1920 x 1080, And if so, by how much? (fps)

Thanks alot

1080p would be about 44% more pixels to draw so you can expect a ~30% frame rate drop.

You could also buy the 1080p display and simply upscale from a lesser resolution (like 720p) when playing games until you can afford a more decent GPU.


1080p would be about 44% more pixels to draw so you can expect a ~30% frame rate drop.

You could also buy the 1080p display and simply upscale from a lesser resolution (like 720p) when playing games until you can afford a more decent GPU.