Differences between versions of Win2k?


Dec 31, 2007
Hello all. I was wondering what the differences were between the different versions of Windows 2000: Professional, Server, and Advanced Server. I'm talking technical differences, and not liscencing (client or otherwise) as that is a whole other mess. I know there are differences in the number of CPU's supported, as well as different amounts of RAM that can be used. Is there anything else? Programs in Server that aren't in Pro? Programs in Pro that aren't in Server? Better support for headless modes? Better support for web or mail servers? etc, etc. I can't imagine that there would be that much difference, but I thought I'd ask. I'm interested in the possibility of running small web, mail, or ftp servers (free, non-MS versions). But, it's mostly a technical interest in the differences. URL's perhaps? I can't find anything comparing Pro vs. Server on Microsoft's website (no big surprise), so I thought I'd ask here.

Thanks for any responses.

Ben Porter.
The differences are mainly just in the underlying subsystems, mostly networking, and how they handle background processes. Server naturally, pays a lot more attention to background apps and services. There are some differences in the utilities provided between server and workstation as well.
If the webserver you plan on running is going to be pretty small volume, then 2K pro will probably work fine for you. Just switch the setting under "performance options" in the system control panel to optimize performance for background services.
Here is a site with <A HREF="http://www.labmice.net/FAQ/win2000faq.htm" target="_new">answers</A> to your question.

Fisher of men
Thanks for the responses. I didn't think there were many differences. Again, just wondering, but, could you be more specific about the "differences in the utilities provided between server and workstation"? Also, can Internet Explorer or Media Player <b>not</b> be installed on the Server edition? Also trying to figure out why the Server edition cost like three times more than the Professional edition. Thanks again.
Server included: user manager for domains; IIS; active directory server/utils; DHCP, WINS, & DNS functionality and utils; different version of disk manager that supports software based RAID; others I don't remember now.
You don't really need media player, but I would at least have IE installed as it has many shared libraries that the OS uses.
There are big differences between Server and Pro. Pro is not really meant to be a server for anything, it's meant to replace Windows NT Workstation. It's designed to be the business desktop OS. It's limited to 10 simultaneous user conections, so it's really not good at being a server, unless it's a very, very small network, maybe 4 -6 users on the network. With Pro you can't create a domain, but then again, with 4-6 users, a domain is really not needed. You can't install Microsoft server aplications(and others as well) on Pro, like Exchange, SQL, IIS and things like that. Server comes with Active Directory (Creating a Domain), IIS, DHCP, DNS, and lot's of other server services, Pro does not. Win2K Advanced Server supports a 2 node failover cluster, for greater reliability/uptime and can also handle more memory and processors up to 64Gb and 8 processors.