Different Temperatures with Aida64 and HWMonitor


May 7, 2017
Hello, I just got my ryzen 5 1600 with wraith spire (stock cooler) with AB350 Pro4 From Asrock and I'm trying to overclock it 3.8ghz so far i have got it to 3.8ghz with 1.3v im trying to lower it after each aida64 tests but when I'm stressing the CPU Both aida64 and HWMonitor gives me different temperatures Aida64 gives me around 66C (maximum from all of my test) while HWMonitor gives me 85C (Maximum). But when in idle they give almost the same temps. I'm trying to figure out what should i believe in those Temperatures.

I've read articles that ryzen 7 gives wrong temperature on apps (+20C) i was wondering does it also applies to ryzen 5 since i've getting around 20C difference between those two applications.

Here Are the Screenshot taken : (run time is only 1min because i just wanted to show the difference of temperature given on the two applications)