Different Types of 1155 Sockets?


Apr 27, 2013
Hi there,

I'm currently working on a build for one of my relatives and I was planning to put a Intel Core i7 3770k into his rig, and when I came to the case of choosing the right MoBo. So basically now I'm stuck with the Socket 1155 Z77, H77, B75 and H61.

So what I'm looking for is a simple explanation of what is the difference :)

what will he use it for? if it's for gaming i5-2500K (it will overclock better than i5-3570K; just google heat issue i5-3570K). Z77 is high-end chipset of the shipsets. With Z77 you can have multi gpu setup and overclock the cpu + ram, but with h77 you can't.