Digital 8



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I will be purchasing a Digital 8 camera. What's this format like? Has
anyone used it for any major projects? Are there any problems with it?
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On Thu, 06 May 2004 08:48:28 GMT, "Steven Jones" <>

>I will be purchasing a Digital 8 camera. What's this format like? Has
>anyone used it for any major projects? Are there any problems with it?

D8 format is just like DV, but with a different size tape. The tape
format itself is great -- a little larger than DV but that means it is
a little more durable, and usually the camcorder size is similar.
Working with D8 is just like DV, as far as editing and such.

The only limitations are in the makers -- there are few D8
camcorders on the market, and no upgrade path to higher end models as
with DV. OTOH, you can always get a MiniDV camcorder later if you
need that.

*-__Jeffery Jones__________| *Starfire* |____________________-*
** Muskego WI Access Channel 14/25 <>
*Starfire Design Studio* <>
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Steven Jones wrote:
> I will be purchasing a Digital 8 camera. What's this format like?
> Has anyone used it for any major projects? Are there any problems
> with it?

I have a Sony Digital 8 camcorder which was one of the cameras used for my
daughter's wedding, alongside a JVC mini-tape digital and an old Sanyo. The
Sony took the best quality pictures and I was able to capture from it to
disk (using Screenalyser and IE1394 card) from both its own tapes and the
analogue tapes taken on the Sanyo. I have had no problems with it at all.

Rgemini, who shall remain sigless
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"Steven Jones" <> wrote in message news:4099fbd2$1@grungy...
> I will be purchasing a Digital 8 camera. What's this format like? Has
> anyone used it for any major projects? Are there any problems with it?

I have the Sony DCR-TRV460 Digital 8 which I purchased because of backwards
computability with 8mm and Hi8 made with my Cannon A1. The D8 format tapes
are a bit larger than DV. D8 tapes are a bit cheaper. D8 is an older
format than DV but I don't think there are any limitations of the format.
DV is becoming more popular and not as many D8 models being made. Sony just
recently released their TRV460 and I found it to be an excellent camera for
the price and features I needed. Major projects? Took a 10 year old Hi8
analog tape, stuck it in my Sony, bought a Firewire cable, plugged into my
system and captured 1 hour and 28 minutes of analog video which was
digitized by my camera. Found Movie Maker on my XP system and began editing
the 19 Gb AVI file. Exceeded my wildest dreams as compared with my attempts
5 and 10 years ago. I had no problems in creating nicely edited VHS tapes
for the relatives. Have not ventured into creating DVD's yet except for
some testing.

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"Steven Jones" <> wrote in message news:4099fbd2$1@grungy...

> I will be purchasing a Digital 8 camera. What's this format like? Has
> anyone used it for any major projects? Are there any problems with it?

No. And you can record longer tapes with it (2hr 15min on
90-minute tapes in LP-mode). For best technology in D8,
you must buy used (the top-end Sony D8 models have been
discontinued) - and I have a TRV740, LN in box, almost
no time on it, fully checked-out, listed here:
David Ruether