Digital Camcorder that can record on a desk while still being plugged into the computer via USB.

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Citizen SLI

Jan 12, 2015
Hello! I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with a digital camcorder that could record while sitting on my desktop, while still being plugged in via USB. I was looking for an entry level (100 - 200$) camcorder that could record 1080p and maybe have a remote to initiate a recording session. It doesn't need to record to the computer itself *although that would be a plus*.

The stores in my area all have their digital cameras behind the counter, away from people who would like to look at them so I have to look online for answers.

Any help would be appreciated!
I have a decent webcam (Logitech C920) but the picture quality or rather the lag on it isn't that pleasing to the eye. I was hoping to just hop up to a camcorder instead.
Could you tell me what you are planning to do with the video? Are you a streamer? are you making youtube videos? Vlogs? do you need a camcorder so you cna take it away from the desk and record. It does sound like what you are after is a webcam.

I think if you are suffering 'lag' with your webcam you might want to look in software and see if you can configure it better.

I am going to get back into making YouTube videos. The c920 is a very nice webcam but like you mentioned, maybe I could look into some new software to tweak some settings for a more fluid video.

Sorry for the late reply, long weekend.

I would turn your attention to the software you are using not the webcam. That webcam is one of the better if not the best webcam on the market. There should be no reason for the problems your are having unless it is software side.

Goodluck anyway!

I'd like to hear if and how your fixed it!

I'll update this answer once I found some decent software! :)
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