Digital Storm Unleashes New Bolt II Battle Box Special Edition

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I love the idea... BUT. Yellow fluid is a horrible idea, especially in a prebuilt system where users might not know what they're getting into. Over time, it will break down and clog the CPU block. I would much rather have seen a clear water system with yellow tubing.

Also, it'd be nice if they mentioned that there's no need for an i7 in a gaming system.
id like an indicator of the for the flow. Id like that to be standard. so that everyone can look in and know if the liquid needs to be changed.
Who keeps buying these expensive Titan Z pre-built systems? Seriously. You'd be better off (financially, and functionally,) with 2 780ti's or a 295x2. Fools are easily parted from their money I suppose.
Who keeps buying these expensive Titan Z pre-built systems? Seriously. You'd be better off (financially, and functionally,) with 2 780ti's or a 295x2. Fools are easily parted from their money I suppose.

I'd imagine very few considering how low Digital storm has been slashing prices.
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