
This is very strange. Cant even imagaine a life with dinosaur and if alien dinos had space program the whole will be change and cant say they may rule the earth.
Cool article but I doubt that dinosaurs exist on another planet. From a logical standpoint I understand where the idea is coming from but still think it would be like 1 in a trillion to the trillionth power that dinosaurs similar to the ones on earth evolved somewhere else. In fact life outside of Earth would probably be so completely different that people would not be able to comprehend it. We would have to change our definition of what is and is not "living" and "intelligent", sentient plants come to mind.
Life would be completely different on every planet. If we didnt have certain extinction events we would all have scales and tiny forearms that would making typing almost impossible.

You also have to imagine that our hands and brains had to evolve very particular way. A mixture of living in trees and in grasslands. They think the evolution of butt cheeks were important, because it allowed us to sit back and free up our two hands.

While its possible if the life has the same DNA setup, its improbable to the extreme. For all we know rocks could be sentient.