DirectX Error, Crash to desktop with Battlefield Hardline (sometimes CSGO and other games too)


Nov 7, 2013
My PC:
CPU: Intel core i5 4690k 3,5GHz
GPU: Asus GTX660 DirectCU ii OC edition
MoBo: Gigabyte Z97x Gaming 5
PSU: XFX Pro series 550W
SSD: OCZ Agility 3 128Gb (Operation system)
HDD: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB
Processor Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO
+3 LEDed fans 120mm

My problem: These error messages show up when Battlefield Hardline freezes, sound loops and crash. (Sometimes one, sometimes more messages, sometimes after 1 min, sometimes after 2 hour)

Threads about this problem on Battlelog: (tried all of the "solutions")

I tried dxdiag, disable avast antivirus, play in safe mode, roll back to 347.25 driver (becouse 347.88 causing more crash) Im currently on 347.25 driver., sfc scan, malwarebytes...
UPDATE I tried Memtest86 and cleaned my pc with compressed air (it was a little dirty).
Tried lowering the graphics to LOW, but still crashes, tried underclock my graphics card with asus gpu tweak (-100Mhz of core clock).
HD Tune didnt find any problem with my HDD/SSD. Windows up to date.
All temps are fine!
Reinstalled the game, graphics card driver (clean install), reinstalled directx from the game folder, vc, punkbuster...
I played the two beta of this game, had one or two crash.

If you need more information, tell me.
UPDATE I have some Asus GPUTweak log files when the crashes happend!
Sorry for my "english".


Update your drivers. Also try to reinstall DirectX

Updated to 347.88 (latest) driver, cleaned my video card and inserted back properly.
Crashed again after 1 hour of playing on low to medium settings.

I forgot to mention this: "Display driver stopped responding and has recovered" (this is not my picture, just googled it)
This happens when the directx messages pops up.

Yes try it ,and tell us how it goes,all my life i hade problems with BF3 and BF4 with shity DirectX error,but i found a solution to be ,i have changed all new PC and the direct X was still here,the ,i was like is it the GPU new gpu the DX still here,i was like CPU nope still here DX,RAM nope STILL here new ram,on SSD i was like maybe my HDD is damdaged which was new nope still here,i have changed every possible part in my pc and DX wasa still here,when i was playing on HIGHER settings like i was pushing ULTRA on gigabyte gtx 660 oc 2 GB ,then was problem occour,i was monitoring the MB usage of my GPU when the gpu was exsceded over 1.5 GB memoory usage and over 65 degrees celsus that happend DX error,i have changed a lots of windowses,one guy once told me that when DX error happend ,it is a problem iwth the KERNELBASE.dll,and the kernelbase.dlls are configured with the Microsoft NET.FRAMEwork,try to go control panel>programs and futures>turn windows futures on and off>find the the Microsoft net frame 3.5.1 and if its blue cube mark it and istal that one and after ,depends what windows u have ,if u r on win 7 download and instal the
net frame work 4,5.1
and restart PC after booth finished instaling
if u r on windows 8 or 8.1 u already have 4.5.1 by default in this case u will add net frame work 4.5.2

You have to have this,and what windows u have tell me,the problem ocours by the OS trust me it;s nothing else i have changed like i said everything even psu mobo,but in right copy of windows 7 ultimate x64 with 4.5.1 and the latest BETA gpu driver i found this helpful,try not to jump the in game settings play lower settings just add MESH quality on HIGH or ULTRA lower everything,and TRY the Microsoft FIX IT ,that change the registry value to the gpu respond time that sends to the OS automaticly will set it on 8 seconds or something,.

If u wish to do that manualy or after Microsoft FIX IT but thats only for Display driver stoped responding and hase been recovered that will halp u about that not about the Full DX problem,and if u wish to adjust more second the value registry then go win 7 start and type regedit ,win 8 or 8.1 RUN regedit RUN AS ADMIN

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE>SISTEM>CurrentControlSet>Control>Graphic Driver so here if Microsoft FIX IT if its already instaled u will see a string value of name TdrDelay right click on it and modify it on 20 sec,or if u don t have the TdrDelay make it just click right click on GraphicDriver floder >New > DWORD 32 Bit Value and name it TdrDelay and Enter and then right click on TdrDelay and modify it on 20 sec,this is only to give GPU more time to respond to the OS so u don t have that message driver stoped and hase been recovered.don t vorry about 32 bit value doesnt matter if u r 64 bit that s the value that its been set don t worry..
Try this and wrote me whats happening..

and instal this booth versions x 86 and x64


See and tell me what will happend rebot after instalations...

Did not work what Vana Ivan Pandovski said. I installed what he linked and did that regedit thing. Had a crash again.
Maybe i did it the wrong way, can you help me step by step?

i was peronaly looking what happens to the Hardline this days and ,maybe a 5000 players are kinda infected from DX errors ,it's not only u eather the GPU nvidia driver or amd drivers can;t adopt to some PCs and drivers causes crasehs,i personaly spoke with a hardline engennier,they ,it is 95 % their fault,they will deploy a patch FIX but they don t say when,have u instal all the motherboard drivers ,for chipset,cpu,sata etc..

Try to go in the game folder and delete all the DX folder,and then close origin and rebot PC after rebot origin will detect a missing files and that way origin will re-instal ur DXes from begining,if u have the net frame 4.5..2 and the VC++ 2012 update 4 and VC++2013 .i really don t know what esle the problem lies there ,i hade the same thing and i get back to windows 7 ultimate,maybe is some program conflict with the bh.exe and make the application to stop and crash.
Really big problem ,any one hase to find that spot to fix it ,in every pc is diferent.

Try instal CCleaner

after instalation of the ccleaner go in Registry ,scan for issues and if there any click FIX them ALL that way ccleaner will delete them..this is if some possible registry makes u problems..

other than that go RUN type MSCONFIG

in there in msconfig ,go to services click on hide all microsoft services ,and see what programs makes DX crashing try to disable some of them which u think are corrupt...

Here i'll give u this guy link follow him he actualy does the msconfig and maybe u will fix the problem with hes opinions
hes video is about BF4

ONLY if above don't helps.............................................................................................................................................
IF all that fails try the thing from this KID hah,very 13-14 year old kid but some people find this very helpful
I tried ccleaner before btw, and i didnt do this: "Try to go in the game folder and delete all the DX folder,and then close origin and rebot PC after rebot origin will detect a missing files and that way origin will re-instal ur DXes from begining"
BUT i didnt get a single crash for 2 days!! Maybe this is the end of this shit. Maybe not... I will be in touch.

Ohh mate i am rally sry for what happens to you and al of us,i still have them on BF4 the damn DX errors,they are usualy most on win 8,1 ,sience i got back on win 7 ultimate i don t have them so often,bearly,but when u see them again it drives you nudds,i want to brake all my PC,but any way it is on Fu****j EA games,the hardline BETA was so stable here was not even 1 crash i am talking about the latest BFH beta the OPEN one,i was playing hrs and nothing very stable,but it's always on begining on start on the game we have DX errors ,crashes,freezes and all kinds of thing..and for nVidia
there are delevering to mutch drivers every week new driver ,that's a sign of no good stability,well that's what i personaly thing,although AMD gets 1 driver in 6 months,and a lot of things happens,have u REPAIR the game,try repair it,right click on BFH in origin see if any missing files will come up or something ,a REPAIR will kinda re-instal u r game,if not delete and re-instal the game mate ,maybe on the END that will FIX your problem,Try IT