Disabling cores to get under mobo tdp limit


Jul 29, 2014
Hi all

Basically a few days ago i ran in to a problem where my CPU overclock was making it exceed the 125 watt limit on my motherboard, so i had to go back to stock clocks. Now I am wondering if i disabled some cores, would it reduce the TDP of my CPU therefore allowing me to overclock again?


FX-8350 @ 4.4ghz 1.37v-1.43v, cooled with a Hyper 212 Evo and Cooler Master thermal paste.
Asus GTX 970 Strix Oc edition
Asus M5A78L-M/USB3
8GB Mushking RAM @1800mhz 1.5v
Corsair CX 750M PSU
Corsair Carbide Spec-03
Case fans- One intake at the front, one intake at the bottom, 1 exhaust at the top left, 1 exhaust at the top middle.

Thanks :)
Dont overclock with that board, you'll blow those poor VRMs. Disabling cores can make that you need less voltage, that can reduce your TDP. If you disable cores 1,3,5 and 7 (leaving the cores 0,2,4,6 alone) it will behave like a true quad core, disable cores 4,5,6 and 7 and it will behave like a fx 4xxx.

Thanks for the reply. I cannot do that in my BIOS, it only let me disable the wrong cores. Is there a software that can disable cores for me? I know msconfig has to option to boot with 2/4 cores. Would that work? Thanks

Don't disable cores to overclock. It really will hurt performance more than help, I've tried it, and it yielded worse performance than stock in all benchmarks and games. Just stick to the stock voltage and core count, besides, your board doesn't have heatsinks on the MOSFETs or VRMs so it's practically not fit to overclock.