Disabling WMM support makes Phones/Tablets unaccessable to the Internet.


May 20, 2013
Log into router > Applications and Gaming > WMM support > Disable

My Internet has been very slow recently, and I heard about a fix that disabling WMM support would fix it. I disabled WMM support and it fixed the problem greatly.

The only problem is, my Phone/Tablet can't connect to my home wi-fi. I want to have high speeds on my home wi-fi, but I also don't want to have to use all my data on my Phone. Any help?

EDIT: Would enabling "No Acknowledgement" help?

Have you tried turning back on the WMM and seeing if they can then connect, isolating the issue to the WMM?

Well yeah wired connections are going to be faster than wireless, nobody can change that.

You're saying the wireless connection is a lot slower. How far away from the router are you testing? Do you get a lot better speeds wirelessly right in front of the router?

My Router is Cisco WRT310N, with the latest Firmware installed from the Linksys website. It's connected to a Motorola Modem. My ISP is Comcast.

Also, what I've noticed is that wireless connections are a lot slower than connections using an Ethernet cable. Wired connections have about a 20-25 mbps while wireless have 5-10mbps.
Have you tried turning back on the WMM and seeing if they can then connect, isolating the issue to the WMM?

Well yeah wired connections are going to be faster than wireless, nobody can change that.

You're saying the wireless connection is a lot slower. How far away from the router are you testing? Do you get a lot better speeds wirelessly right in front of the router?