Disappointed with GTX 770 just installed


Nov 5, 2013
Last night I went to a local frys and purchased the MSI GTX 770 OC. The main point of the card was to upgrade my HTPC that i had an AMD 7850 (Card must be 10").

The benchmarks im getting is about the same or possibly a bit slower than the 7850?! How can that be? I did some research online that the GTX 770 is comparable to the 7970 which I have on my main desktop.

I ran 2 quick benchmarks.. Shogun 2 and Fire Strike (3dMark)

On the default 1080p ultra test on Shogun 2

7970: 92fps
GTX770: 65fps

Fire Strike

7970: 8000 Score
GTX770: 5800 Score

I wish I ran some benches on the 7850 before i removed it but it cant be much off.

My system:

Asrock A85 Mini ITX Mobo
AMD 10-6800K
8GB Ram 1600
256 Samsung 840 Pro SSD
450W SilverStone Gold PSW
maybe its a bottleneck.... If you type on google your cpu model and gtx770 bottleneck, it gives dozen of similar results like urs, even with gtx670!... Try gtx770 in your other system and tell us what you get from there.
Looks like you have a small case. Any chance the card throttled back upon hitting some thermal limits? You will have to do some detailed investigations and benchmarking to be sure. Otherwise I think you are right; that card should outperform.
My case is the SilverStone Sugo Series SG05BB-LITE. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811163231

There is a huge side grill where the card goes and the temps stay very decent as I checked that. Is the power that much demanding that its a power issue?

CPU is rated 100W
GTX 770 - 280W (according to overclockers.com)

and i cant imagine the SSD and the ram taking much more.

My exact power supply is: SST-ST45SF-G

Single Rail 12v 37Amp
your PSU is pretty weak for that graphics card, I am surprised it's powering it. I think your problem is your CPU is holding the card back, the AMD APU are not really that great as stand alone CPUs and will not hold up to even an intel i3.

If your going to throw a GTX 770 into a htpc your basically making it a full blown gaming computer. Grab an i5 and maybe a bigger case for cooling. I like the look of http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811139022 and http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811119265 as potential htpc replacements. They are larger but have a cool enough look to them that I wouldn't mind setting it next to my TV.
Thats the point... and the trick... I like a challenge. I have a full blown crossfire 7970 pc with an i7-3770k. The deal with this is to have a small compact beast computer by my tv for casual/controller gaming play. Im just tryin to figure out from the masses if its a CPU issue or PS issue. I have a feelings its more on the PS side. That Im probably just barely not giving it enough power. If i were to swap out the CPU to a 55w - 65w processor from the 100w.. would that bring me to where i need to be?

ALSO.. since the steam machines have a 450w powersupply and they are running a titan.. I think a 450w ps should power a gtx 770

If you want to keep the APU I would return the 770 because it's going to waste. I haven't actually seen any specs on a steam machine, links? I get the feeling if they are coming with titans they are going to be ridiculously expensive and no one will buy them and if they manage to do all that on a 450W PSU consumers have been getting shafted. Something doesn't seem right about a steam machine packing a titan and 450W PSU, you know what they say about something sounding too good.

The recommended PSU sizes are high because there is something on the market that could be called PSU shaped object rather than PSU. Here is a Tom's build with HD7750 and 150watt PSU http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/mini-itx-do-it-yourself-game-console,3531.html and no problems.
Another example is that total system load LGA2011 OC with a Titan does not reach 450watts http://anandtech.com/show/6774/nvidias-geforce-gtx-titan-part-2-titans-performance-unveiled/15
Here is the steam machine specs:

GPU: some units with NVidia Titan, some GTX780, some GTX760, and some GTX660
CPU: some boxes with Intel : i7-4770, some i5-4570, and some i3
RAM: 16GB DDR3-1600 (CPU), 3GB DDR5 (GPU)
Storage: 1TB/8GB Hybrid SSHD
Power Supply: Internal 450w 80Plus Gold
Dimensions: approx. 12 x 12.4 x 2.9 in high

I find it a bit odd how the skipped the gtx770?!
well.. i guess where im at is getting a hold of a 800w ps from a buddy and hook it up externally. If that doesnt do it, i'll reinstall windows to totally make sure im not getting any conflicts... I'll check back with my results.
maybe its a bottleneck.... If you type on google your cpu model and gtx770 bottleneck, it gives dozen of similar results like urs, even with gtx670!... Try gtx770 in your other system and tell us what you get from there.
well.. i just spent this whole evening doing a few different test. I connected a Corsair AX-860 Platnium PS to it to make sure it wasnt a power issue and it wasnt. Same performance.. didnt change a bit. I moved the card to my main pc:

MSI Z77 mPower Mobo
Intel I7-3770k
16GB 1600 Ram
256 Samsung Pro 840
Corsair AX-860 PS

and I ran Shogun 2 again on that setup and hit 90.1 fps with the GTX 770. I ran other benches aswell and compared. It gave me results I was expecting.. GTX 770 was slightly slower than the 7970 (I have the Gigabyte 7970 Ghz OC model).

Well... To everyone out there... Trash your AMD APUs if you want some monster gaming! Now off to ebay this mobo/cpu combo goes and gonna pick up a Mini-ITX Z87 with 4770k. I guess another good reason to upgrade.

Also to add to this... For the fun of it since i had it out, I put the 7970 on the 6800k setup to see if possibly it was a compatibility issue or driver issue.. but nope. With the 7970 in that 6800k setup it still ran at the 65fps mark. The thing that i really wonder... I am not a fan of ASRock.. I thought I give them a try with my HTPC setup but it is just a terrible MB and dont see myself buying another.

I would like to know if anyone is have any kind of sucesses with the 6800k... possibly its a mobo issue? Either way.. doesnt matter to me. Im dumping this setup.