Discreet Gpu using 1st monitor & Intel Onboard gpu using 2nd monitor. Possible?


Jul 27, 2012
Hey guys, before I begin, here's a run down of my system.

i5 4440 3.1 GHZ (with intel HD 4600)
HD 7850 2GB
2x4gb HyperX black 1600mhz

What I want to do is Have the 7850 use the 1st monitor. And have intel's onboard gpu to use 2nd monitor.

That way, I can play my games on the first monitor without losing any bit of performance since it is not rendering any pixels for the 2nd monitor.

The 2nd monitor rendered by intel onboard graphics will just be basic apps like internet browsers etc....

I've not tried this out but is this possible? I'm planning on getting a 2nd monitor.

Also please note that, right now, My 7850 and Intel HD 4600 is being detected by GPU-Z, that means their both active. But im only using 7850 on my current monitor.

Only if the BIOS has an option for multi-monitor iGPU function.