In the past, Nvidia has optimized all their V-Sync "flavors" to give better performance at or below the refresh rate of monitors. But, nothing has been said or done about those players who play at 300fps on CSGO with no V-Sync on for optimal latency.
Welcome to Fast Sync, Nvidia's response to players who desire all the abilities of V-Sync, but with none of the latency issues.
Here's how it works:
Without getting into all the nitty gritty about frame buffers, basically the game runs at the highest frame rate it's able to output (just like non V sync), BUT instead of giving you all that nasty tearing, fast sync only displays certain frames and discards the uneeded frames.
The beauty of this is that you still get the same low latency as no V-Sync, but at the cost of the GPU working overtime by making useless frames, which I'm sure 95% of you gamers out there are perfectly fine with.
But Wait...Doesn't Borderless Windowed Mode do the exact same thing?
Yes it does! Just like Fast Sync the GPU runs at max fps, (since V sync is not supported in windowed mode) but instead of getting tearing, the Windows Desktop Manager picks out certain frames to output to the monitor.
So...why would I use Fast Sync if Borderless Windowed Mode does the same thing..?
The Major Cons about Borderless windowed mode is that it's still in windowed mode. Windows will still use some GPU resources for running other applications, like Aero on Windows 7.
Fast Sync runs in Fullscreen mode, allowing 100% of the GPU to operate only the game itself, and nothing else. Yielding higher FPS.
I hope this helps with any of you who have had questions about fast sync. It was recently introduced on the Pascal GTX 1080, and is going to be feature exclusive to Pascal.
Feel free to discuss this topic to your hearts content! Thank you for reading!
Update 5/31/2016: Fast Sync is not going to be exclusive to Pascal. It currently works on Maxwell, and will most likely work on Kepler and Fermi.
Update 6/20/2016: Took out ".., Successor to V-Sync?" in the subject line. It's pretty obvious that Fast Sync is NOT the successor to v sync.
Welcome to Fast Sync, Nvidia's response to players who desire all the abilities of V-Sync, but with none of the latency issues.
Here's how it works:
Without getting into all the nitty gritty about frame buffers, basically the game runs at the highest frame rate it's able to output (just like non V sync), BUT instead of giving you all that nasty tearing, fast sync only displays certain frames and discards the uneeded frames.
The beauty of this is that you still get the same low latency as no V-Sync, but at the cost of the GPU working overtime by making useless frames, which I'm sure 95% of you gamers out there are perfectly fine with.
But Wait...Doesn't Borderless Windowed Mode do the exact same thing?
Yes it does! Just like Fast Sync the GPU runs at max fps, (since V sync is not supported in windowed mode) but instead of getting tearing, the Windows Desktop Manager picks out certain frames to output to the monitor.
So...why would I use Fast Sync if Borderless Windowed Mode does the same thing..?
The Major Cons about Borderless windowed mode is that it's still in windowed mode. Windows will still use some GPU resources for running other applications, like Aero on Windows 7.
Fast Sync runs in Fullscreen mode, allowing 100% of the GPU to operate only the game itself, and nothing else. Yielding higher FPS.
I hope this helps with any of you who have had questions about fast sync. It was recently introduced on the Pascal GTX 1080, and is going to be feature exclusive to Pascal.
Feel free to discuss this topic to your hearts content! Thank you for reading!
Update 5/31/2016: Fast Sync is not going to be exclusive to Pascal. It currently works on Maxwell, and will most likely work on Kepler and Fermi.
Update 6/20/2016: Took out ".., Successor to V-Sync?" in the subject line. It's pretty obvious that Fast Sync is NOT the successor to v sync.